Watch Now: "AI and the Future of Higher Education", presented by EAB | May 6, 2024

Author: Robyn Ollodort
May 7, 2024
students in a classroom at computers, with instructor in the middle of the room, pointing at a screen

The SF State Technology Governance Committee (TGC) hosted a presentation from EAB on "AI and the Future of Higher Education" on Monday, May 6th, 2024, from 11:00 a.m. to noon.

Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) and its impacts on higher education have been felt here at SF State across this academic year as faculty, students, and staff consider this new technology. Mixed reactions such as concern, excitement, and confusion are being experienced on our campus and at campuses across the country. While responses and activities may differ from campus to campus, the dynamics are the same: we are facing rapid changes while seeking to balance the range of opportunities and the myriad of risks. 

The SF State Technology Governance Committee invited EAB, a higher education consulting group, to share their insights and research on the GAI phenomenon and give us a national view of how it may impact the future of higher education.

In their presentation, “AI and the Future of Higher Education: Five Transformative Opportunities”, EAB presented case studies and practical examples from other campuses, helping to understand AI opportunities being tested at other campuses as well as measures for reducing or addressing risks.

View the recording of the session and access materials presented, linked below, respectively.
