outstretched hand reaching for a glowing cloud of education and technology icons

CEETL's Second Annual AI Symposium

Friday, May 02, 2025
Event Time 09:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. PT
Cost Free
Location Zoom
Contact Email ceetl@sfsu.edu


CEETL is hosting a mini-symposium on using AI in the classroom, entitled "Embracing and Resisting AI: Best Practices in the Classroom” to be held on zoom on Friday, May 2, 9:00 am - 12:00 noon

We are looking for panelists to share short (6-7 minute) presentations on how they have addressed emerging AI technologies in their classrooms. We are particularly interested in hearing from faculty about how you are teaching students about AI; how you are teaching them to work with AI in your disciplines; and how you are protecting student learning from AI shortcuts where necessary. 

If you are interested in presenting, please click here and provide a brief (200 word) summary of your proposed presentation.  Deadline for proposals: April 5.

flyer for second annual CEETL ai symposium


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